Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Science Reading Assignment #2

If I was transported to the year 1470 and I was attending AR in Italy, I would be freaked out. School would probably be spoken in Italian or Latin or some foreign language (maybe), even though a lot of things are spoken in English. We would probably have weird customs in school, like in Thailand, where you have different shoes for different things.
Subject wise, we would probably be studying the early America and other countries. We would probably be influenced in many ways to think differently about America and the society in America. Society in Italy is probably very different than U.S. society. We would probably have to be in one religion plus we would have the Pope. We wouldn't have our freedoms that we have today in America. Also, I don't think we would live as long as we do today.

And not to mention, wouldn't Academy of the Redwoods be something else? It would probably be Academy of something, not redwoods. I don't think Italy has redwoods.


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