Thursday, January 11, 2007

Science Reading Assignment 1 for 2nd Semester

Chapter 19: "Whats the Matter?" pgs 198-209

  1. It means that there is an real but invisible substance in matter that comes as flame in the course of burning. The definition from is "a nonexistent chemical that, prior to the discovery of oxygen, was thought to be released during combustion."
  2. It is fitting because that is what it basically is. Some of it seems like nonsense ("hokum" means "out-and-out nonsense"), the alchemist has his/her hope put into it (i.e. "part wishful thinking") and with all the chemicals and equipment, it is serious science and has to be taken seriously. It may seem like simple reasoning, but its what I think.
  3. Acids taste sour as opposed to bases, which taste salty. Some are bitter. Strong acids eat away at metals while strong bases burn tissue. Acids' pH level is lower than 7 and bases' pH level is higher than 7.
  4. Gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, lead, mercury, carbon, and sulfur.
  5. Arsenic and phosphorus


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