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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Element Autobiography-Platinum

Platinum. What a wonderful name for me. In fact, my name “Platinum” was formed from the Spanish word for “silver-like” or “little silver”, which was “platina” but it was changed to Platinum. Don’t you just love it? Also, a certain Spaniard by the name of Don Antonio de Ulloa named me. He was a famous mathematician! Don Antonio named me in 1748
I came to be known by several explorers/scientists over time, starting with Don Antonio. Some of the other people known to experiment with me were: Don Antonio de Ulloa, Jorge Juan y Santacilia, and Julius Caesar Scaliger. De Ulloa and Santacilia both were working for King Philip V for geographical reasons and they made me known to His Highness, King Philip.
In 1484-1558, Julius Scaliger, who was an Italian humanist, wrote about me in one of his writings. I wasn’t named then but I was referred to. In the 18th century, King Louis XV of France said to everyone that I was metal only fit for a king! Aren’t I special!
I am a catalyst in the catalytic converter, an optional component of the gasoline-fueled automobile exhaust system, a catalyst in fuel cells, and much more. I am used in a lot of jewelry making, used as a catalyst in curing of silicone elastomers.
My atomic mass is 195.084(9) g/mol, and my electron configuration is 4f14 5d9 6s1 and my amount of electrons per shell is 2, 8, 18, 32, 17, 1. I appear in a solid form and my density is 21.45 g·cm−3 (my liquid density at m.p. is 19.77 g·cm−3 ). I will melt at 2041.4 K (1768.3 degrees Celsius and 3214.9 degrees Fahrenheit) and I will boil at about 3825 Celsius or 3214.9 Fahrenheit, which would be 4098 K. Not to mention, my heat capacity is 25 degrees C (otherwise as 25.86 J·mol−1·K−1 )
Last of all I am as resistant to corrosion and tarnishing as gold. I am rare to get and valued in jewelry. I am used in medicine as an anti-cancer drug.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Science Reading Assignment 1 for 2nd Semester

Chapter 19: "Whats the Matter?" pgs 198-209

  1. It means that there is an real but invisible substance in matter that comes as flame in the course of burning. The definition from is "a nonexistent chemical that, prior to the discovery of oxygen, was thought to be released during combustion."
  2. It is fitting because that is what it basically is. Some of it seems like nonsense ("hokum" means "out-and-out nonsense"), the alchemist has his/her hope put into it (i.e. "part wishful thinking") and with all the chemicals and equipment, it is serious science and has to be taken seriously. It may seem like simple reasoning, but its what I think.
  3. Acids taste sour as opposed to bases, which taste salty. Some are bitter. Strong acids eat away at metals while strong bases burn tissue. Acids' pH level is lower than 7 and bases' pH level is higher than 7.
  4. Gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, lead, mercury, carbon, and sulfur.
  5. Arsenic and phosphorus

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Science Reading Assignment #2

If I was transported to the year 1470 and I was attending AR in Italy, I would be freaked out. School would probably be spoken in Italian or Latin or some foreign language (maybe), even though a lot of things are spoken in English. We would probably have weird customs in school, like in Thailand, where you have different shoes for different things.
Subject wise, we would probably be studying the early America and other countries. We would probably be influenced in many ways to think differently about America and the society in America. Society in Italy is probably very different than U.S. society. We would probably have to be in one religion plus we would have the Pope. We wouldn't have our freedoms that we have today in America. Also, I don't think we would live as long as we do today.

And not to mention, wouldn't Academy of the Redwoods be something else? It would probably be Academy of something, not redwoods. I don't think Italy has redwoods.

Science Reading Assignment #1

You have to have disagreements about everything. Life just doesn't work if there isn't some sort of disagreement. A disagreement is necessary because you have to get down to little details and once you have those details, it may be clearer to you than before. You can get down to the smallest details and still have a disagreement with someone else though. The scientific process would not be so if there were not disagreements about things involved.

A scientific issue that was somewhat confusing to me and still is presently, is the issue about Pluto. Scientists presently are saying the Pluto is too small to be a planet and that, overall, it is not a planet. I don't quite understand why it can't be a planet. It is part of our system, or used to be at least, and it seems to make our solar system complete.