Thursday, January 18, 2007

Element Autobiography-Platinum

Platinum. What a wonderful name for me. In fact, my name “Platinum” was formed from the Spanish word for “silver-like” or “little silver”, which was “platina” but it was changed to Platinum. Don’t you just love it? Also, a certain Spaniard by the name of Don Antonio de Ulloa named me. He was a famous mathematician! Don Antonio named me in 1748
I came to be known by several explorers/scientists over time, starting with Don Antonio. Some of the other people known to experiment with me were: Don Antonio de Ulloa, Jorge Juan y Santacilia, and Julius Caesar Scaliger. De Ulloa and Santacilia both were working for King Philip V for geographical reasons and they made me known to His Highness, King Philip.
In 1484-1558, Julius Scaliger, who was an Italian humanist, wrote about me in one of his writings. I wasn’t named then but I was referred to. In the 18th century, King Louis XV of France said to everyone that I was metal only fit for a king! Aren’t I special!
I am a catalyst in the catalytic converter, an optional component of the gasoline-fueled automobile exhaust system, a catalyst in fuel cells, and much more. I am used in a lot of jewelry making, used as a catalyst in curing of silicone elastomers.
My atomic mass is 195.084(9) g/mol, and my electron configuration is 4f14 5d9 6s1 and my amount of electrons per shell is 2, 8, 18, 32, 17, 1. I appear in a solid form and my density is 21.45 g·cm−3 (my liquid density at m.p. is 19.77 g·cm−3 ). I will melt at 2041.4 K (1768.3 degrees Celsius and 3214.9 degrees Fahrenheit) and I will boil at about 3825 Celsius or 3214.9 Fahrenheit, which would be 4098 K. Not to mention, my heat capacity is 25 degrees C (otherwise as 25.86 J·mol−1·K−1 )
Last of all I am as resistant to corrosion and tarnishing as gold. I am rare to get and valued in jewelry. I am used in medicine as an anti-cancer drug.